Every Guru is known for following a particular line of Sadhana. He/She attracts disciples who are interested in that line of Sadhana. The specialty of a Sadguru, when the Lord descends as a Guru, is that that the Sadguru attracts people of all kinds of propensities. He has the capability to guide and take everyone along to the Ultimate Goal. While a Guru can be compared to a boat, a Sadguru is a ship ferrying people across the Bhavasagara (ocean of worldly existence).
Leading up to the holy event of Sathya Sai Baba’s 96th birthday (November 23rd, 2021), we are taking up the sadhana of reviewing excerpts from Swami’s first written texts, Prasanthi Vahini, Prema Vahini and Dhyana Vahini. We will be sharing daily posts of excerpts that stood out for everyone to review to support our self-inquiry and introspection. These excerpts are recommended in conjunction with the Centre’s Bi-Weekly Dhyana Vahini Study Circle series and associated sadhana Study Guides..